The road to the Second Bamboo and Rattan Congress (BARC 2022)

We provide leading solutions to bamboo project.

BARC 2022 will focus on bamboo and rattan’s critical role as nature-based solutions for sustainable development.

There has never been a more important time for nature-based solutions. Bamboo, the fast-growing grass plant, and rattan, the spiky climbing palm, are unique forest resources that can play an important role in promoting more environmentally sustainable socio-economic development.

Bamboo and rattan have long been linked with human lives, livelihoods and material cultures, but in recent decades, they have assumed an additional importance — as crucial tools for sustainable development. Over the last few years, INBAR has promoted the use of bamboo and rattan in a number of areas, from developing a green economy, to addressing climate change, building disaster-resilient infrastructure, alleviating poverty, revitalizing rural areas and protecting the environment.

From 7 to 8 November 2022, the Second Bamboo and Rattan Congress (BARC 2022) will bring together people from across the world to discuss these issues and promote bamboo and rattan’s important role in international sustainable development. Also falling on the same year INBAR celebrates its 25th anniversary, BARC 2022 will be co-hosted in Beijing by INBAR and the National Forestry and Grassland Administration of China (NFGA) under the theme “Nature-based Solutions for Sustainable Development.” The Congress will include dialogues with high-level policymakers, product exhibitions and parallel sessions centering around four thematic areas:

In addition to sessions, BARC 2022 will also include a comprehensive bamboo and rattan products exhibition featuring some of the most exciting and innovative products, crafts and technologies making waves in the sector.

BARC 2022 will build on the achievements of BARC 2018, which was an international meeting that connected stakeholders from over 70 countries, making real steps forward for promoting bamboo and rattan as critical nature-based solutions. BARC 2022 will host representatives from governments, research institutes, international and non-governmental organizations, the private sector and the media, and other stakeholders who wish to learn more about bamboo and rattan’s potential to contribute to their work.

For more information on BARC 2022, including how to register, please visit the BARC 2022 event website.

Featured image: Bamboo of the Yunqi Forest of Hangzhou glowing in the afternoon sunlight.
